
Clients who have given their permission to be mentioned on this homepage:


Institute Saint-Ursule

For this project, the works from the Institute Sainte-Ursule were inventoried (measured, described, the state of the object was established, etc.) and were photographed. I classified the works (and created a database) for a period from the 16th century to the present day. The works testify to the institute’s history through the centuries and also to the life of Sainte-Ursule Sisters.

Sainte Ursule

With frames, vertical x horizontal
Pictures: © Service des biens culturels, SBC, Frédéric Arnaud
Objets: © Institut Saint-Ursule, Fribourg

Institute’s comment:“Milène C. Rossi managed her duty to our full satisfaction. She showed a deep interest for our artistic patrimony and greatly contributed to exhibiting it. She showed her important professional competences and was very attentive to the Sisters, in order to collect information on the objects to be described. She has a remarkable capacity to work and to adapt to the community life with great discretion and fraternity.

Institute Florimont, Geneva

Proposition for a cultural project on literary, artistic and biological patrimony (project management). Florimont is a very famous private school in Geneva.

Art for Help, Geneva

Collection inventory and research in relation with the works of the artist Malbine. Ursula Malbin, called Malbine, was born in 1917 in Berlin and lives since many years in Troinex (Geneva). Her sculptures can be seen in the permanent exhibition in Troinex.


Private clients

(wish to remain anonyms): Oceanic art, religious and liturgical art: inventory for collection

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